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Property Staging

Property Staging – Create that ‘Wow!’ factor

Creating that ‘Wow!’ factor can translate into some significant extra revenue for you, either through a higher monthly rent or a stronger sale price. Often, it makes sense to spend a little on your property in advance of pitching it to the market – as it can return considerably more than you spend.

However, it takes time and expertise to get property staging right. We showcase hundreds of properties for sale and rent every year, and we know what viewers want. Why not put our expertise and proven network of suppliers to use to ensure you get the result you want at a good price.

With years of experience in Sales, Lettings & Property Management, we know the experts in the following areas – so there’s no risk to you of untried and untested contractors.

H&L Property Staging Services

Property Preparation

From painting and decorating to complete refurbishment, we can ensure that your property is in top condition for viewing


Clearing excess furniture or clutter in your property or garden can make your property attractive and desirable.


At a minimum, we recommend a deep clean before presenting the property to the market


Showcasing how a property could look creates the “Wow” factor and can lead to a higher price and a quicker sale or letting.

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